125 research outputs found

    PEMBANGUNAN PARIWISATA EQUATOR PARK DAN PERUBAHAN SOSIAL BUDAYA EKONOMI MASYARAKAT: Equator Park Tourism Development and Social Cultural Economic Change of The Community

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    Every development activity always leads to better things. If development is not achieved, it will impact the society negatively. Through each of existing social changes, the existing community is expected to work together in carrying out any existing development activities, one of which is in the tourism sector, namely the construction of the Equator Park. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method, and the techniques used in data collection are observation and interviews. The purpose of this study is to see and find out the changes that have occurred in economic and socio-cultural fields that have existed in the community, especially in Jeruju Besar Village since the existence of the Equator Park tourist destination. The results indicated the occurrence of socio-cultural and economic changes leading to positive things for the people in Jeruju Besar village since the existence of the Equator Park tourist destination, and the community is required to be more creative and innovative in creating Equator Park tourist attractions and utilizing technology in introducing the tourist attractions

    Mekanisme Sistem Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Terbatas Di SMP Negeri 4 Sungai Raya Pasca Pandemi Covid-19

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    This study aims to find out the mechanism for implementing limited face-to-face learning after courageous learning and changes in policies implemented at SMP Negeri 4 Sungai Raya. The findings of the problem at SMP Negeri 4 Sungai Raya in the limited face-to-face learning mechanism are in the form of changes in students' behavior and interest in learning as well as new policies that must be implemented by schools and all school members must adjust or adapt from the policies governing the implementation of limited face-to-face learning. However, there are efforts by schools to adapt policies that are in accordance with the guidelines for implementing learning during the Covid-19 period. The research method used includes descriptive qualitative with observation, interview and documentation techniques. The results of research on the mechanism of the face-to-face learning process have been considered with the condition that it is carried out with all the readiness and preparation of all school members and efforts to overcome changes in students after face-to-face learning through learning device strategies whose implementation is limited to time and number of students

    Transisi Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Terbatas Pasca Pandemi Covid-19: Studi Di SMA Negeri 2 Sungai Raya

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui transformasi pembelajaran terbatasa pasca pandemi Covid-19. Permasalahan dalam peralihan pembelajaran menyebabkan munculnya masalah, diantaranya perubahan penampilan peserta didik, perubahan perilaku peserta didik, adanya hambatan dalam belajar beberapa siswa dan rendahnya minat belajar siswa dan literasi yang menurun. Selain itu sedikitnya waktu dalam pembelajaran mempengaruhi hasil belajar dan siswa dan pemahaman siswa sebagian besar hanya dibarikan ketika di sekolah. Hal tersebut sebagai akibat dari pembelajaran daring yang sebagian besar memanfaatkan gawai atau tekhnologi. Sehingga siswa cenderung kecanduan. Metode penelitian yaitu kualitatif pendekatan deskripsi. Hasil penelitian yaitu guru Sosiologi mengatur strategi pembelajaran dengan memilih poin-poin penting mengenai materi yang akan disampaikan kepada siswa dan mengarahkan siswa untuk meringkas materi untuk dibahas di pertemuan selanjutnya selain itu memberikan tugas pendalaman materi kepada siswa untuk melihat kemampuan memahami materi. Dengan strategi umum yang diterapkan dalam pembelajaran terbatasa selama pendemi dengan penugasan kepada siswa di rumah agar siswa tetap belajar

    Strategi Sekolah Menengah Pertama dalam mengimplementasikan Kurikulum Merdeka

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    This research aims to determine the implementation of the independent curriculum at SMP Negeri 9 Pontianak which is a driving school and the independent curriculum system implemented in grade 7. The learning system approach reflects an educational philosophy that provides space for creativity, independent thinking and greater understanding of students. The P5 chosen were local culture, entrepreneurship and sustainable living. This research method uses descriptive qualitative. The research population is teachers and students of SMP Negeri 9 Pontianak, the research sample consists of teachers, curriculum assistants and students. Research analysis was carried out according to Milles and Huberman's analysis. The research results show that at the beginning of the learning process there must be cognitive diagnostic tests and non-cognitive tests. At the end of the teaching and learning process. This diagnostic planning assessment is made by the teacher. Difficulties in implementing the independent curriculum at SMP Negeri 9 Pontianak were overcome by providing special trainers by the education center, conducting IHT house learning, every Friday the school has a meeting to discuss obstacles related to implementing the independent curriculum and the four SMP Negeri 9 have their own application provided by the government called Merdeka Learning contains information about the independent curriculum, such as providing training topics for teachers, references for teaching tools and teachers can also find out students' ability levels


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    high school level in the independent curriculum. The difference between the curriculum transition was felt by the teacher, starting from the use of teaching tools and the learning process. This is due to the many differences from the 2013 curriculum to the independent curriculum. In addition, the learning process also requires changes such as the previous teaching process in the 2013 curriculum for teachers who are used to it, again requiring adjustments. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Data were obtained through observation, interviews and documentation techniques which focused on the preparation of teaching tools and the implementation of learning from the 2013 curriculum to an independent curriculum. The results of the research are based on information from the teacher, namely on independent curriculum teaching tools, CP mastery for each teacher followed by the formulation of learning objectives, the flow of learning objectives, designing lessons and assessments. The preparation of the device is not a few teachers who do not fully understand. The tools prepared by the teacher, namely after understanding CP and modules are arranged according to subjects, textbooks, learning videos, as well as learning methods and models that are relevant to students used in the learning process. The results of implementing learning require adaptation by the teacher of curriculum changes. The dominant change in learning is the division of study hours, divided into three hours for intracurricular activities and one hour for co-curricular activities. The implementation of these two things between teachers mutually emphasizes students' soft skills and hard skills which also focuses on students' interests, talents and abilities. Constraints on infrastructure and funding facilities and the ability to compile teaching materials are still experienced by teachers, the solution to overcome these limitations by teachers is to actively participate in training provided by the school to educators as teachers at the school

    Penyebab Kesulitan Belajar Daring Mata Pelajaran Sosiologi Di SMA St. Fransiskus Asisi

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    This study aims to determine the factors that cause learning difficulties of students in the online learning system on sociology subjects in class XI IPS 3 SMA St. Fransiskus Asisi Pontianak. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive research form. Sources of research data were students of class XI IPS 3 and teachers of sociology subjects at SMA St. Fransiskus Asisi Pontianak. The data in this study relate to learning difficulties faced by students in online learning systems in sociology subjects. The results of this study indicate the occurrence of learning difficulties of students in the online learning system caused by two factors, namely internal and external factors. The internal factor is the lack of learning motivation of students, where they feel bored and less enthusiastic in the learning process, and the lack of social interaction between students and teachers and students and students. While the external factors are due to the lack of costs and internet access on sociology subjects, during the Covid-19 pandemic it was carried out online, and students needed sufficient fees and good internet access and the factors of technical skills or poor learning habits of students caused learning difficulties in the online learning process


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the shifting of Belalek tradition as seen from the factors of socio-cultural change, especially in the agricultural sector in the Sambas Malay society of Sentebang Village. The method used descriptive qualitative using observation, interview and documentation. The results revealed that people of Sentebang Village preferred to use the wage system compared to the remuneration system or called Belalek, the ease and efficiency of machine technology as a result of modernization, and the openness to changes and developments that occur. These three things have caused a shift in Belalek tradition

    The Implementation of Character Education Values to Prevent Radicalism at the Indonesia-Malaysia Border

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    This study aimed to investigate the implementation of character education values as a means for preventing radicalism along the Indonesia-Malaysia border (specifically focusing on students at SMAN 1 or Public Senior High School 1, Jagoi Babang District, Bengkayang Regency). The study employed a descriptive study. The research focused on character education values as a means to prevent or suppress radicalism among the people of Jagoi Babang District, who were susceptible to ideas that contradicted the national ideology. The main targets of this effort were the students, who often played a role in provoking radical behavior. The study findings indicate that students were aware of their citizenship status due to their exposure to schooling. However, the availability of items from surrounding countries frequently encouraged students to consume a greater quantity of Malaysian products. Empirical evidence demonstrated that students had an innate comprehension of radicalism, despite the researcher merely hinting at the concept. Before being probed with more detailed inquiries during the interview, students were capable of offering comprehensive insights. The majority of students had exhibited their comprehension of the influence of radicalism. According to the research, schools in Jagoi Babang were not offering enough extracurricular, co-curricular, and in-school activities to keep students from becoming radicalized. This was true both inside the schools and in border communities. Nevertheless, students had prior knowledge regarding radicalism and its risks

    Implementasi motion grafis video animasi 2D untuk pengenalan seni, budaya, dan kuliner khas di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat

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    The growing development of information technology cannot be separated from the use of Multimedia as a means of supporting the delivery of information. Information about West Kalimantan Province is needed by the community in the world of education and knowledge because West Kalimantan has a variety of cultures. This diversity exists because the social life, customs, and art of the region are different from one another. This cultural diversity is a wealth and can be seen in house models, traditional dances, folk songs, musical instruments, and culinary specialties of each Regency / City in West Kalimantan. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to expand knowledge by creating a Motion Graphic 2D Animation Video as an introductory media about the arts, culture, and culinary specialties of West Kalimantan province which is easy to understand and learn and provide information in an interesting way. The research method used is Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC). The development of this multimedia method is carried out based on six stages, namely concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing, and distribution. These six stages do not have to be sequential in practice, they can be interchanged. However, the concept stage must be the first thing done. The Research Hypothesis is that Information Delivery using this media makes users interested in using it and is easy to use. makes users interested in using it and easy to understand in the process of conveying information. &nbsp
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